Sunday, November 29, 2009
Want to See Change? Are You Willing to Do This?
That's the question I've been asking lately - for myself, my family, my ministry for Christ, for neighbors and nations. I want to see more people I know entering the Kingdom of God and serving joyfully for Christ. I want to increase the number of people competent to teach God's Word to others. I want my children to be strong in the Lord. I want our marriage to honor the Lord. I want to be a wiser leader and better steeped in Scripture. I want our church to grow by conversion and be an equipping center for sending people to neighbors and nations. I want to lose fat and build muscle so I can serve others better.
There are many changes I want to see. But positive changes require sacrifice. I will have to give up something that I kind of like, secretly enjoy, or even something that's been very effective in the past, in order to see the changes I want to see.
Much of my day-to-day life is built on mindsets, habits, and practices that I've held for months and years, and those routines are generally what produce the results I see. I have habits for studying the Word and for prayer, and routines about when and what I eat, how much I sleep, how I interact with my family and friends, how I spend money, what I do for entertainment. I'm not completely on autopilot, but I do have a many functional habits, rituals, and routines.
This is true for churches as well as individuals. We have treasured mindsets, habits, practices and routines that drive much of our time and energy. Routines and predictability give us comfort and give us strong foundations, up to a point. When they become the focus rather than God, they're idols. They're deadweight that pulls us down. Jesus is life, not rituals.
I'm not saying everything is bad and must be sacrificed! When we plateau and stop growing, then we need to seriously ask what needs to be sacrificed to grow again. If we want to see different results - positive changes - then we must wisely discern what mindsets, habits, practices, and routines need to be different. In short, we have to address the question "What sacrifices will you make for the change you want to see?"
We're weak people, of course. We tend to exploit two strategies to shortcut this question and avoid making sacrifices.
(1) First, we rationalize that the change we desire isn't going to happen anyway, or for a very long time, or is just not realistic for the near future. So we don't need to change anything about the way we live.
(2) Second, we displace the need for change on someone else. "I'm fine, I don't need to make any painful changes - it's those other people who need to change. Then everything would get better."
Be mature. Don't allow either of these to derail you from a tremendous growth opportunity, and drawing closer to God in obedience.
(If I haven't made you uncomfortable yet, please go back to the beginning and reread.)
Let me help you unpack your thinking.
Mindsets. How do you think about yourself? How you think about your spouse and children and extended family? How do you think about God's call on your life? What do your behaviors tell you about how you really think about people and situations?
Habits. Is there something mindless and useless that takes up more than a few moments of your week that needs to be sacrificed, however enjoyable? What are some habits that you know do not help you or help others? What are some positive habits that may still be a distraction from the desired change you seek?
Practices. What's the good thing which is the enemy of the best thing? Is there a constructive shakeup to the order in which you do things? What habits contribute to "numbed autopilot stumble along through life" behavior rather than dynamic growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ?
Routines. What are our conventional schedules and programs which keep up busy enough to have no margin for creating and developing new ministry areas? What are the "sacred" things in our church life which have a big "Don't Touch" label - and why? What would it take to hear equal parts criticism and "Wow!" responses?
Working through this takes humility and prayer.
Let's push ahead for Christ's sake!
The Church in China
When you hear news about China, I encourage you to think about the story behind the story. My Chinese friends remind me that the government will do business with other nations, but it is not about friendship. There are layers of complexity and fear and greed that drive decisions.
One of the most important stories behind the story is what God is doing in China. The Wall Street Journal had a recent opinion article describing house churches in China (perhaps 100 million believers strong). One of my Christian Chinese friends believes it is a "race of sorts" between the Communist government and the power of the Gospel. As I wrote earlier, "Marxists fear religion -- and Christianity in particular -- because it's a competitor for moral transcendence and gives people heart-satisfying reasons to abandon their fears."
May the Lord bless His Church in China!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Hugging Kids
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Use This Framework for Dealing with Abortion Questions
Alan Shlemon recently gave a defense of the pro-life position at Central Michigan University and he focused on just two claims:
(1) the unborn is a distinct, living, and whole human being from the moment of conception;
(2) abortion is discrimination: it disqualifies a group of human beings (the unborn) from being valuable because of an arbitrary quality or characteristic.
He then fielded objections from the audience. The vast majority of objections against the pro-life view, he says, come in one of two forms.
They either assume the unborn is not a human being.
Or, they disqualify the unborn from being a valuable human being based on an arbitrary quality or characteristic.
When I hear a defense for abortion, I figure out which category it falls in.
Then, I can show them the misstep by appealing to one of the two claims I defended in my opening remarks.
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Key Math Insight From 1931 That You'd Probably Never Heard Of

In effect, Godel transformed the Liar's Paradox ("This sentence is false.") into math. He humbled a lot of great mathematical minds in the process!
So why am I writing this on a blog for husbands and fathers? Several reasons:
1. Godel's Theorem reminds us of our limitations and humbles us.
2. Though the math won't interest many of you, the historic significance and critical shift in mathematics and philosophy changed our world.
3. Godel's Theorem provides a framework for understanding the role of God and the universe, of harmonizing science and faith.
Perry Marshall has a terrific article using Godel's Theorem of Incompleteness to explain why God is a conscious Person outside the systems of the universe. Highly recommended.
Now you'll have something very impressive to speak about at the dinner table tonight! :-)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Why I Don't Blog or Twitter About My Family
Twitter, Blogs as Influence Tools
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
How To Be A Content Producer
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Undermining Trust in Authority
Friday, November 13, 2009
Heel..And Experience Joy

I recently saw a lady trying to walk her energetic puppy, who was running, rolling, sniffing, and constantly straining against the leash -- everywhere except by her. She was pleading in frustration, and yanking hard on the leash. The puppy was either trying to pull her along as he sprinted out front, or refused to come to her when he wanted to sniff longer around a tree. Neither she nor the puppy looked the least bit happy.
A few minutes later I saw a man walking with a mature German Sheppard. What first caught my eye was the absence of a leash (we have a leash law in our town.) But then I noticed that no leash was needed. The dog heeled beautifully, perfectly keeping pace with the man, and joyfully kept his attention either on his master or looking straight ahead. The man spoke quietly to him. The deep affection between them was obvious. I watched them enjoying their walk together until they turned the corner out of sight.
A dog heeling next to his master is a curious picture of the joy of the Christian life.
I thought about how many times I’ve acted like that puppy: running ahead of God, sniffing after things that are of no account to Him, barking in frustration when pulling at the end of the tether, choking myself in resistance to God’s direction. Puppies are absolutely convinced they know better than people where we should be going, how fast, and when to take diversions. You and I have behaved like that with our loving Father in heaven, haven’t we?
Contrast that with the joy that we can experience when we walk with our Father, by His side, looking frequently to Him, submitting to His pace and direction. No straining. We respond to gentle words. The biggest satisfaction is simply being with our Lord and Master, Teacher, and Friend.
Our ability to joyfully live the life God has for us is utterly dependent on our close connection with God and obedience to His direction. Jesus told us we can do nothing without him: “Apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) Our relationship with Christ is designed to be like the relationships in the Trinity: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does.” (John 5:19-20)
What can you do today to experience joy as you walk well with God, as you are enabled by the Holy Spirit?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Toughest Par 3

I've played some golf, like to watch it on TV. But you don't have to be a golf fan to enjoy reading about the world's highest and longest par 3 hole.
Celebrating the Mayflower Compact

IN THE name of God, Amen.
We whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord, King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland king, defender of the faith, etc., having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.
In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cape-Cod the 11 of November, in the year of the reign of our sovereign lord, King James, of England, France, and Ireland the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domine 1620.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Real Men See the Evidence of God's Grace
This is an excellent counter-strategy to discouragement: keep notes about the evidence of God's grace.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Enduring Appeal of Marxism

"Part of the genius of Marxism, and a reason for its enduring appeal, is that it feeds man's neurotic fear of social catastrophe while providing an avenue for moral transcendence." -- Bret Stephens
Marxists fear religion -- and Christianity in particular -- because it's a competitor for moral transcendence and gives people heart-satisfying reasons to abandon their fears.
20th Anniversary Celebration

Let us rejoice with our brothers and sisters and friends in Germany as they celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Prayerlessness = Unbelief ...And How to Remedy It

Take a few moments and reflect on Kevin de Young's recent blog post on prayerlessness as unbelief.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Seeing Jesus as our Manly King
So I really liked this short video from Pastor Mark Driscoll about how we sing to the Warrior King.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Advices for Parenting the "Terrible Threes"
Frightening Stats on "Christian" Kids
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
30 year anniversary of Iranian Embassy Hostage Crisis

It's hard to believe it's been 30 years since Iranians stormed the US embassy in Tehran. Here's an interesting slideshow of the events.
Thinking Clearly about HSAs
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Christians Making the World Better
10 Million Words

I’m regularly challenged by Tim Challies’ observations and writing. He has a new year-long blog project: read and review every non-fiction book on the NYTimes bestseller list! What a terrific way to assess US Culture through the lens of what’s selling. It’s called
Sunday, November 01, 2009
I Lost My RSS Feed List!
One of the things I lost was my list of RSS feeds. I had a list of about 75-80 blogs that I monitored regularly using RSS. I didn't have a backup.
At first I thought, "No problem, I remember most of them."
Reality: I remember some of them, but not all because I trusted the computer system to bring information from new blog posts to my attention.
My next thought: "Ok, I'll just gradually add them back as I remember them. That will be good since I'll only remember the most valuable ones."
Reality: I am slowly remembering good ones. Yesterday I remembered another blog when the author emailed me -- how could I have forgotten his blog!
Growing realization: I was far too content to swallow a fire hose of incoming data streams without enough discrimination.