Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thinking About Political Gag Gifts

It's the season of the year when people scramble to express their political views (especially here in Iowa), even in gag gifts. Some are outraged over the Hillary nutcrackers, the toilet paper with Dick Cheney's image, and on and on. [I refuse to link, you'll have to search yourself.]

Here's something to think about: we have no fears of poking fun at political leaders in the US. Even saying horrible things about them. It might be in poor taste, in might be a waste of time and money, it might cause some others to wonder about you.

Consider, please, how dangerous this is in many countries in the world. There is no tolerance for this kind of "free speech."

So the next time you scoff at a political gag gift, transform it into thanks -- and pray for our brothers and sisters who do not have these freedoms to abuse.

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