Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Rob Schlapfer, editor of The Right Books, encourages Christians to avoid the dumbing down of today's Christian culture. He writes, "As a Christian, your mind matters. In fact, the proper exercise of the mind is essential if we are to grow in the grace and wisdom of Our Lord. And even as we have to "say no!" to other sinful temptations, so we have to "say no!" to the temptation to become mentally flabby. (And that means "exercising integrity at the moment of choice.") As Os Guinness would say, there is no room for "Fat minds" in the Christian life."

I don't think Satan gets too excited about Christians working to develop fit and trim bodies. But he opposes every effort to create properly exercised minds, because wrong ideas can't influence minds steeped in Christ -- and wrong ideas are his principle weapon. Satan can operate on cruise control in a culture of flabby-minded believers.

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