Sunday, August 10, 2003

Interceding for our wives and children is our high calling and privilege. Jim Carpenter outlines an excellent strategy for praying for your family. He takes a prayer retreat early in the year, spending concentrated time praying for each family member. He asks God for a theme for each loved one, developing a prayer outline based in Scripture. This outline goes on a separate page in his prayer journal. He lets his family know the key elements. "I usually write a letter to my sons while I’m still on my prayer retreat. I resist the temptation to make it sound like I’ve just returned from the mountain with stone tablets in hand! But I do want them to know that I’ve been meeting with God on their behalf, and about how I’ll be praying for them in the year ahead."

Men, let's emulate this kind of prayer work! Pray! magazine from NavPress has plenty of this kind of practical material.

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