Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Resources for Origins of Life, and Evolution

There are some excellent resources available if you're interested in exploring the topics of the origin of life and evolution. I'm putting this short list of recommended jumping-off points because there is a lot of drivel available on the Internet, poorly done and difficult to certify.

Perry Marshall has a number of fine articles at CosmicFingerprints. He has some helpful applications of information theory that will be helpful if you want to have conversations with athiests. See particularly his discussion of "the athiests riddle."

My friend Kevin Nelstead, a geologist and all-around solid guy, writes The GeoChristian blog. If you are looking for a careful, thoughtful analysis of old-earth vs. young earth perspectives, with authority on the geology, start here.

Hugh Ross has several books available about the universe and creation. I found his book "Why the Universe Is the Way It Is" quite helpful for the astronomy perspective. (In fairness, I also think he gets a little preachy when he doesn't need to be.) The book "The Privileged Planet" by Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards covers much of the same material, without being explicitly Christian.

The young earth creation views are well-described at Answers in Genesis. There is also a useful compilation of perspectives and sources at Wikipedia.

Please note: I hold an old-earth creation view (though the biological evidence is that human beings are very new on the planet), but do not break fellowship with Christians who hold other views on these issues. Our dialogue should bring us together, rather than separate us -- because the most critical facts we do agree on are (a) There is a Creator and (b) Jesus is our means of redemption.

1 comment:

Mugen said...

At any rate, I liked some of the vadlo evolution Cartoons!