Friday, February 20, 2009

How Religious Is Your State?

While this analysis of the religious across the United States is interesting, I'm concerned that people will draw the wrong conclusions.

The article does not give us the survey questions, or how the sampling was done, so I have to be immediately on guard. Surveys are extremely difficult to do well, and intrepretation must be cautious.

Our news media have "trained" us to love surveys and use the results to drive decisions. This is a dangerous direction.

In this case, if you live in one of the "Bible belt" states, are you supposed to feel superior and smug? Complacent about witnessing about Jesus? (There remain not-yet believers around you.)

If you live in a more "secularized" state, are you supposed to be envious of your brothers and sisters elsewhere? Or take more pride that you're in a mission field and they aren't?

The issue boils down to this: Do you know Jesus yourself? What are you doing {today!} as a disciple of Jesus? Whom are you influencing and for whose glory?

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