Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Being Wise about Creation Care

My friend Kevin Nelstead points us to "21 Reasons that Evangelicals Don't 'Get' Creation Care."

There are helpful insights there. I'm guilty of some of this, at least.

There are serious ditches on both sides of a wise road here. For example, the Swiss constitution "requires respect for “the dignity of creation when handling animals, plants and other organisms.” Sound ok until you learn about the laws created out of their stance:

"Now their parliament has decreed that Swiss goldfish, too, must be treated with dignity. And not because they are gold, but because they are fish. Beginning in September, a new law will set rigorous standards for the treatment of all “social animals.” Swiss aquariums must have an opaque side to allow the fish to live in a natural cycle of day and night. It will also be an offense to keep a lone goldfish, guinea pig, or budgerigar."

And they appear to be moving on to laws protecting plants, as well.

Part of this is obviously that we, being imperfect but sincere humans, can't help but build up bodies of law to control (fix?) what are really problems of the heart. Animal cruelty is wrong, but some of the applications of animal cruelty laws become ridiculous. Especially when human beings don't always qualify as animals.

I appreciate Kevin bringing the importance of Creation care to my attention. I need that, to avoid the ditch. I need God's wisdom and a transformed heart to avoid the ditches on both sides of the road!

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