Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Whom to Vote For?

A number of my friends in the US are really struggling with their choice for presidential candidates (in both Republican and Democrat parties). I've yet to hear someone say, "He/She is the perfect candidate for me to support."

Some define politics as the art of compromise. We need to accept that these are human beings, of the same DNA, of the same dirt that we are.

Melinda (of Stand to Reason) gives us some helpful suggestions about a difficult decision.
Since a decision will be made in the November election, I think it's wise
that all of us still participate. Sitting out won't avoid some conclusion,
and only renders us ineffectual in influencing the outcome at all, whether we
want to salvage some good or reduce the evil, as we see it. I think that
even given bad choices in an election, there is usually a candidate than can do
some good according to my moral and political values, and it's better to do the
good that can be done than none at all.

If we can increase some good, or if we can reduce evil, then I think we have a moral obligation to make a decision among bad options.

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