Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Keep Moving...Or Die

Apparently sharks have to keep moving or they die. (Apparently there are some places where sharks sleep, but if you come across a sleepin shark in your travels, my advice would be to let it lie.)

Blogs have to keep moving to. Some poor soul has counted how many blogs are started, and how many are still active 6 weeks and 6 months later -- tens of thousands get started, because it's so easy to start, and less than 5% are still active 6 months later.

[Thanks to those of you who write me notes when I don't post something here for a few days. "Where are you? Are you ok? I miss you, please write again soon" messages are very encouraging.]

As Christian husbands and fathers, we need to keep moving, too. Our relationships -- with our heavenly Father, with our wives, with our children, with extended family and neighbors and coworkers -- all need nurturing and action to keep moving. Our study of the Word needs to continue; it's a living Book for us. We need to continue to sharpen the skills and talents we've been given, so that we can continue to serve others well.

If I could speak with you, dear reader, I suspect we'd share at least one thing in common -- a desire to just sit down and procrastinate on what we should be doing. Yes, we need rests, and God has ordained rhythms in life we should pay attention to. But if you're taking a "rest" because you would just rather not think about it for a while, watch out! Take a rest to get back into right relationship with Christ, and because you are looking forward to more and greater service.

My pastor says there are only two kinds of marriages -- those being worked at, and those that aren't. There are only two kinds of sharks -- the moving and the dead. There are only two kinds of Christian men -- those moving forward, learning how to walk in better rhythm with God and with one another, and those lardassians sitting around listening to the wrong whiny voices from their flesh.

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