Saturday, October 18, 2003

Where to put our energies to preserve marriage?

I have some misgivings about efforts to add a constitutional amendment defining marriage. I can't quite put my finger on why.

Gary Aldrich makes some good points in his column about this issue.

Key excerpt: "Marriage is in trouble; nobody can argue otherwise. But an effort to amend our constitution – even if we could get one – will do nothing to improve the institution of marriage. Gays and Lesbians, and even their radical and obnoxious agenda, are not responsible for soaring rates of divorce. Religious conservatives should concentrate on the causes of divorce and use their amazing and powerful influence to help reduce the incidence of divorce."

Along these lines I recommend the Divorce Proofing Campaign from America's Family Coaches.

Step one for all of us to strengthen and preserve our own marriage.

As the Lord brings people into our sphere of influence, we should prayerfully and practically help them strengthen and preserve their marriages. Each is precious.

If a marriage amendment comes in the context of this ministry, great. But it's not a starting point or the solution in itself. Changed lives are.

The Gospel is critical in this every day. Every hour. Remember that the Gospel comes in two parts, each necessary. First part : You are far worse than you can imagine. Second part : You are far more loved than you ever dared to hope. Jesus is the issue.

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