Sunday, September 05, 2010

"I Should Have Died"

I think every adult I've asked can tell me at least one story of a time when, by all normal expectations, they should have died, but didn't. The truck swerved at the last second and missed you. Falling off the roof of the house but landing without serious injury. The axe missing by an inch. Being delayed and not getting to go to the WTC on Sept 11 as planned. The mysterious illness and sudden, complete recovery.

Some people call this phenomenon luck. Luck lacks power under the sovereignty of God.

Of course who knows how many times you might have died and were completely unaware of God's providential care.

I don't advocate being stupid and foolish. (Wear your seatbelt!) But let us also worship God all the more as we grow in our understanding of His sovereign grace protecting us as long as He has purpose for us being here. Every breath is grace from God, and apart from Him we can do nothing. And let us live boldly and fearlessly before God!

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