Saturday, July 31, 2010

Truth As Ballast

Ballast weight in a sailboat keeps the boat from capsizing in a strong wind, and manageable to sail. The overall weight and placement of ballast dramatically changes the performance of the ship in easy seas and rough seas. In times past sailors would use rocks or sand as ballast, stowing them below decks to lower the effective center of gravity. Modern ships use lead, concrete, or water.

I would argue that men as leaders need serious ballast -- and this ballast must be truth. Rightly configured truth keeps us from capsizing in difficult circumstances. Truth used the right way affects our center of gravity.

Example truths that should be ballast for you as a man:

* All leadership roles are stewardship under God's authority. You will be held accountable. (Dan 4:25, 32)

* God has made you competent for the tasks He has given you. (2 Cor 3:6)

* Our Lord is ever-present, ever-available, and mighty to save. (Matt 28:20)

* History is His story. View your daily decisions with eternity in perspective.

Can you think of others?

Get these truths deep down in your heart.

1 comment:

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