Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shepherd Your Children Individually

Here's something I wish I had known about (and actually done) with my kids when they were small: a steady pattern of one-on-one discipling time with each of them, each week. Brian Croft outlines a practical strategy for this in his article "How Can I Make Sure I Am Individually Shepherding My Children?"

An excerpt, explaining how we structures his time with his four children:

"1) Monday through Thursday each child gets a day and on his or her appointed day stays up 30 – 45 minutes later than their siblings to meet with me before bedtime. I thought they would be excited about it for a few times, but then grow bored with it. Not so. Years later, they look forward to that time more than anything, which provides a natural accountability when you are tired from the day and are tempted to skip for that evening.

2) We read the passage I am preaching for that week, discuss it a bit, then we read a chapter from a book they have chosen to read. At the end, I take time to ask them how they are doing and how I can pray for them. This is a great way to see how they are really doing and teach them what are good things to be praying for others. Then, I pray for them and take them to bed."

Highly recommended!

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