Tuesday, March 10, 2009

US Unemployment by County

The NY Times has an interesting map of US unemployment by county. Note the variability! Keep this in mind as you read accounts in the media. Reporting averages and totals is not the whole story.

I still believe that the great enemies of Christians now in the US are doubt and fear. Yes, there are alway uncertainties. We have a great God, and fear of anything other than our Lord is optional.

HT: GeoChristian


Anonymous said...

There are some better unemployment maps for the US available at http://www.localetrends.com/

for California:
for New York

Anonymous said...

I really found this interesting. I still have a job, but I'm finding myself really wanting to save money right now, just in case the economy gets even worse.

I'm looking forward to a book coming out on April 1 by Nancy Sleeth. It's called, Go Green Save Green. Her husband wrote another book, Serve God Save the Planet, which is what actually got me started on these efforts.

The website says Nancy's book has "Hundreds of simple, easy-to-implement money-saving tips for going green at home and at the office." I found it at www.gogreenthebook.com, so I'm trying to tell everyone about it. Her husband's book really changed my life.

I'll be checking your blog again. Thanks so much!