Friday, June 13, 2008

Who Can You Encourage Today?

Men, who can you encourage today?

Please note I didn't ask "Who will you encourage today?" That's the second question :-)

Who CAN you encourage? Start there. Who comes to mind? And who comes to mind next? And after that?

The truth is that there are dozens if not hundreds of people around you that you can encourage. It requires only a small amount of others-first thinking to see them.

What can you do to encourage them? A brief word is all that's needed. Email, instant message, phone call, note left for them. You'd be surprised how much encouaragement an appropriate hug or handgrip will deliver. Point them back to the Lord. Remind them that they are not alone, or forgotten.

Now for that second question: Who will you encourage today? That's your follow-through.

Be bold, be gentle.

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