Thursday, April 24, 2008

Good Counsel From The FamilyMan!

I encourage all you men to sign up for "Familyman Weekly", at Great stuff, and frankly, it's usually hilarious. (Few things are as helpful as humor to get your message across -- get their chest heaving, and you slip it in between their ribs.)

I received this message yesterday:

"Hey Dad, You know one of the great things about traveling around in an RV is that it is good for my marriage---eventually. Unfortunately, it takes about three weeks out on the road before it gets to that point. During the first couple of weeks there is a lot of stress, tears, and frustration. I'm totally focused on the RV, leaving little room for talking, sharing, or close time with my wife. I get snappy and feel exhausted. As the early weeks pass, I get LESS sensitive---and my wife gets MORE sensitive. In fact, at the start of this past week, my wife didn't like me too much. She said I didn't care about how she felt. Truth was, I didn't. I just wanted her to buck up and take it like a trooper so that's how I was treating her. After a couple of weeks of insensitivity, I said I was sorry---but that didn't solve anything. "I need you to resolve this," she said one night in tears. "I thought I did. I said I was sorry, what more is there to resolve? I was insensitive and so I'm sorry. There, I said it again. So lets move on." She was unmoved by my logic and began to tell me how she just needed to talk about it. "Oh no," I thought, "not the---I just need to talk about it some more comment." I just don't get it. I should by now, but I don't. I like the quickly ask forgiveness and move on approach. Pretending it's resolved is so much easier than 'talking about it.' But since my approach wasn't working, I thought I'd give it a try and said, "So what are you feeling?"
You know what? It worked. We talked about how she felt, how I had been an insensitive clod (what's new), and then---we held each other and all was right with the world---almost. I'd like to say everything is back to normal, but my wife still needs me to keep talking (go figure). Now I know some husbands would ask, "Why does it always have to be us who resolve it?" I know what they mean, but instead of lamenting the fact that it's hard being married to a woman, I say, "Bring it on!" because I'm 'da husband. So, Dad, if your wife is acting a little "non-manish" and needs something resolved, then grab the bull by the horns and ask, "So what are you feeling?"After all, you 'da husband!
Todd "

As I said, good stuff. Sign up at

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