Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Darwinism Inadequate - and an Insight for Dialogue

Amy Hall at STR helps make the case that Darwinism is an inadequate explanation, and has some comments about Ben Stein's new movie Expelled. (More properly said, this is a response to naturalism.)

Tossed in here is a critical insight for effective dialogue on issues like evolution vs. creation, or race, or economics: "On contentious issues you never want to distract people from the main point because they will follow the distraction every time."

So don't throw distractions up, even if you think they're buttressing your primary statements. Get through the primary point first. If they toss up a distraction, simply say, "Yes, and that is a separate point. Let's come back to that next, after we talk through this one." [Meeting facilitators will recognize this as the "parking lot" technique.]

My big struggle is that I love to win arguments and zing people -- and sometimes that ends dialogue before it can lead to changed perspectives.

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