Thursday, January 05, 2006

Observations from 2 Samuel 11

Who is the only positive character in the sordid sin cover-up recorded in 2 Samuel 11? Uriah.

David, Joab, and Bathsheba all fail to confess sin and repent.

I love the tact of the man who comes back to King David in v 3: "The man said, "Isn't this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite?" See how he tries to get the King to realize she's married, and she's married to one of David's mighty men? But David just blows past this.

And notice that David sends Uriah's death sentence with him in a letter to Joab. (v 14) David knows that Uriah, ever faithful, is not going to open the letter!

Uriah is not commended anywhere else in Scripture, but we should look at this story and be grateful for his example. He was the upright man, doing the right things in the face of temptations to self-indulgence. He was faithful even as people around him were manipulating him for their own purposes.

If your life were recorded for everyone to read about thousands of years later, what would they learn? Let's keep our legacy and testimony clear and loud!

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