Saturday, January 15, 2005

Why blog?

I get asked three questions about my blog:

Why do you do this?
How do you do this?
How do you find time to do this?

This blog is a vehicle to encourage husbands and fathers. I've got a heart passion to build up men because they're key to the Kingdom of God, and to Western civilization. Writing this is one way I can help men. makes blogging very, very easy.

Making time is harder, but that's a personal discipline issue, men. Right? Right.

I think blogging (or something like it) is going to become very routine for the majority of the population so long as digital progress continues. I encourage you to get into it as an extension of your ministry to others. I have an opportunity to build up not only my regular readership, but those who wander across these pages because of a Google search, blogroll list, or "next blog" link. God be praised!

Here are two links from a pastor talking about why he blogs. I think he's right on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your site is loading slowly..