Thursday, December 16, 2004

Thoughts from Senator Brownback

Yesterday the men of CrossTrainers were priviliged to hear Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas speak. I captured a few tidbits worth sharing:

His favorite lawyer joke: "How many lawyers does it take to grease a combine? One, if you run him through slowly enough." Apparently that didn't go over well when he first told it to a group in Washington. Puzzled, he was reminded by a friend that half the group were attorneys, and the other half didn't know what a combine was.

"There is a revival taking place in this country." Samuel Huntington, author of Clash of Civilizations, says that's the only explanation for what's going on in this country.

The political left should not fear evangelical Christians. We have an opportunity now to reintroduce ourselves to the country. It is the Christians who are helping people who need it the most -- in this country and in painful places throughout the world. And why? Not for a political idea but because the love of Christ working through them compels them. So the great need is to bear fruit, much fruit (see John 15:1-5).

We will be held to a higher standard -- and we should be. We have the Truth.

Three great priorities for Christian citizens:
* Care for the weak and the voice-less
* Stand for freedom and life
* Work for cultural renewal (e.g., restoring marriage)

Pornography is an addictive drug delivery system. It elicits the same kind of brain chemistry as many illegal drugs.

Righteousness is the plumb line of our house of government, and Justice is the level.

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