Friday, December 17, 2004

For Peter Drucker fans...and dads

Some of us are Peter Drucker fans. Jim Collins tells the story of spending a day with Drucker in his introduction to The Daily Drucker. Now even if you're not a Drucker fan, all dads should appreciate this story. A few excerpts:

"His generosity of spirit explains much of Drucker’s immense influence. I
reflected back on his work, The Effective Executive, and his admonition to
replace the quest for success with the quest for contribution. The critical
question is not, “How can I achieve?” but “What can I contribute?” "

"There are two ways to change the world: with the pen (the use of ideas)
and with the sword (the use of power). Drucker chooses the pen, and has rewired
the brains of thousands who carry the sword."

"...what ultimately sets Peter Drucker apart is that he does not see
himself as a guru; he remains a student. Most management gurus are driven to say
something; Drucker is driven to learn something. Drucker’s work is
interesting—he is interesting— because, to borrow a phrase from the late John
Gardner, he remains relentlessly interested.
“Just go out and make yourself
useful,” he finished. Then, without another word, he got out of the car and
walked into his modest home..."

There are a few keys here for dads. Ask "What can I contribute?" Change the world with ideas and Christ-tempered power. Remain a student and be driven to learn something. "Just go out and make yourself useful."

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