Sunday, September 19, 2004

A Suggestion to Combat Unrighteous Anger

Many of us struggle with strong feelings of anger. Anger is a God-provided emotion that surges when we perceive a gap between what should be (or what we'd want, anyway) and what is. Often that anger is unrighteous -- it's not going to lead us to act to save another life or pray, inviting the power of God to come into a situation.

In the spiritual realm, who is delighted with our surge of unrighteous anger? Satan is. So let's not make him any happier!

Here's my suggestion that will take the wind out of the demonic sails. When you realize that you have feelings of anger that are not right, give thanks to God. Yes, I'm serious. Don't try to deny the anger or beat yourself up because you were angry again (and real Christian men would never get angry, right?) Lift up your heart in prayer, saying, "Thanks Lord for bringing this awful anger to the surface so it can be dealt with through your power. I agree with You -- this is coming from a heart not yet fully sanctified. Please work in me and through me by Your power, because I can't do this without you."

The first benefit of this approach is that you invited God's power into the situation. The second benefit is that you'll find you can't stay angry anymore. Unrighteous anger is like a fire -- if you deny it fuel, heat, or oxygen, it goes out.

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