Sunday, January 04, 2004

Revisiting Celebration of Discipline

Celebration of Discipline (Richard Foster) was the first book that I received after accepted Christ. It was hugely influential on me, and continues to be. If it's been a long time since you looked at it, pick up your copy and leaf through it for reminders.

Elton Trueblood writes in the Foreward: “The greatest problems of our time are not technological, for these we handle fairly well. They are not even political or economic, because the difficulties in these areas, glaring as they may be, are largely derivative. The greatest problems are moral and spiritual, and unless we can make some progress in these realms, we may not even survive. This is how advanced cultures have declined in the past.” Foster outlines the classical inward, outward, and corporate disciplines that are the means of God’s grace to a world cursed with superficiality.

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