Thursday, October 07, 2010

Boys and Reading and Videogames

Do your boys read books?

What books do they read?

Thomas Spence writes a nice column deploring the state of boys' reading. Except for homeschooled boys, they read much less (and less well) than girls. He provides a strong recommendation:

"The secret to raising boys who read, I submit, is pretty simple—keep electronic media, especially video games and recreational Internet, under control (that is to say, almost completely absent). Then fill your shelves with good books."

For most families, there will be some videogames and TV and Internet. In fact, it's important in a way to help your kids learn discipline around media while they are at home with you. Put serious limits on the videogames, and know what your boys are playing. Your boys will be better men because of it.

Dads, I know this is tough -- your kids love videogames, and they're addictive. Do not leave this discipline to mom. YOU have to be rigorous on it. And don't expect your boys to say, "Oh, thanks, Dad, saving me from my addictive tendencies towards videogames." I'm not writing this as a dad who always succeeded and did this right, either, ok? I know how challenging this is.

Make sure your boys have good books to read. Biographies of great men are good. History, written well, is captivating stuff. Challenging novels with deep characters in difficult places. These teach boys that life will be an adventure, and the difficulties are worth it.

I have another strong recommendation: make sure your kids see YOU reading books. Talk with your boys about what you're learning. The Bible should be first and foremost, but read other books as well.

If you have ideas on how to restrain videogame time, and good books to recommend, comment away to help us all.

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