Thursday, June 03, 2010

Roadmap for America's Future

I heartily recommend Representative Paul Ryan's Roadmap for America's Future to you. (The full PDF article is 87 pages and well-written.)

This Roadmap describes very specific proposals for making changes in federal law on health care, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, individual and corporate taxes, and job training programs. There is clear information here, data to support their recommendations, trendlines (less likely to be cherry-picked data) and projections, and specific example legislation that doesn't run two thousand pages.

Even if you might have a knee-jerk negative response to a Republican proposal, I encourage you to look at this as a model for how to present recommendations. These are complicated issues with impacts experienced over long periods of time. Much of our political communication has been denigrated into sound-bites, which are wholly inadequate for dialogue on issues like these.

I'd like a future version to include revisions to the federal spending on education, housing loan supports, and subsidies.

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