Monday, September 25, 2006

Model Prayer

This prayer was posted as a comment on Pastor Mark Driscoll's (Mars Hill Church) blog. It's a wonderful model prayer for pastors and church leaders -- and husbands and fathers who are the spiritual leaders of their families.

I really like how this prayer begins with wonderful praise about God's character and power.

"Oh great God and creator of all things. The one who said but a word and matter and energy hurried into being ready to obey your command. To the God who lives in unapproachable light yet did come so near to know every hair on our heads...To the gracious Father of our Lord Jesus, who sings over his sheep during the night watch. To the coming Lord and Sovereign King invading the world with the ever present and expansive reality of your Kingdom...To the Spirit which searches our hearts and minds and intercedes for us...To you, very God of very God, to you we pray.
Hold up the arms of the elders and deacons of Mars Hill. Establish their feet again and again and again on the rock of Jesus...the lofty and risen Jesus who lives making intercession for his sheep in Seattle. Give them conviction, give them holiness, give them humility, give them love for their enemies, give them mercy and help in their times of need.
Father, whisper to your pastors in that great city, men who have been called to a wild and unpredictable ride in the northwestern realms. Let them feel the breeze of your sovereign grace as the hurricanes of the world, the flesh, and the devil continue to rage. Protect their marriages, protect their children, give them rest, give them peace, both break and build them, comfort and skill that hands now set to a plow in the Kingdom shall never look back. Bring them safely into the care of your Kingdom - when Jesus comes, or when you call them home.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"
Reid Monaghan, Pastor, Inversion

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