Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Battle Training

We like to think about the story of David v. Goliath (1 Sam 17) and say to ourselves, "See what God can do with even a little skinny kid!"

Don't miss these important facts:

1. David had already been annointed by Samuel (1 Sam 16:13): "and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power."

2. David was an armor-bearer in the house of Saul (1 Sam 16:21-22) and had experience in the company of strong men.

3. David had defended sheep from a lion and a bear -- and killed them both. (1 Sam 17:34-37) Guys, think about going one-on-one with a wild lion and a wild bear. That's not weenie stuff.

God arranged battle training for David before he ever met Goliath. Yes, he was a youth, but not a pampered momma's boy kid.

How has God been arranging your training for future battles? And what are we doing to train our sons and daughters to win battles?

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