Monday, March 14, 2005

Practicing Mindfulness

My brain is usually flitting around on multiple ideas and tasks at once. (Some people talk about their inner voice. I have a whole committee in there, and half of them are whiners.)

One of the very best things I've been trying to do in the past couple of years is to sit down and just talk with my wife -- no interruptions, just asking questions, really focusing on listening, telling her about what I'm thinking (I have to work at using enough words for this!). Frankly, I'm still not very good at this, but I want to get better.

The key to progress, men, is to stop trying to multitask. We're really bad at it, anyway.

That's why I recommend you read this fun (and short 2 page) article "Your Brain on Multitasking." An excerpt:

"But imagine what it would be like if every time your co-worker, friend, spouse, lover, child wanted to say something to you and you turned and gave that person all your attention. End of story. No television sucking you into the event horizon. No glancing at the computer. No talking on the phone or checking your watch or reading a report... just 100% mindful, totally there, perfect eye contact, YOU. If you already do this now, that's awesome. If not, then if you try it--and I mean really try it--your family might think something's wrong with you. (One of those, "Who are you and what have you done with my husband?" moments.) "

So try being more mindful today, men. You'll get more important stuff done right.

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