Tuesday, July 27, 2004

It's Not What You Know, But What You Do With What You Know

Some people I know lament that they aren't getting better teaching.  You've probably heard the comments: "It's the same stuff, over and over again!  I'm bored.  I wish we learned something new." 

There are two relevant issues at this point. 

First, the way you live the Christian life is the same way you came into the Body -- by faith, in the power of Christ.  So in an important way we will always be working on the "basics."

Second, we don't advance without obedience to what we know.  Oswald Chambers wrote about this:
"Examine where you have become sluggish, where you began losing interest spiritually, and you will find that it goes back to a point where you did not do something  you knew  you should do. When the Spirit of God prompts me to do something, it is imperative thatI do it immediately.  Waiting until a "more convenient time"inevitably produces spiritual drowsiness.  Every time I obey something God tells me, the result is a spiritual"growth spurt".   Conversely, every time I delay obedience, spiritual"downsizing" results."When you know that you should do something and you do it, immediately you know more."

Thanks to John Stanford for sending this out on his AO notes yesterday -- the timing was terrific!

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