Sunday, June 13, 2004

More comments on Reagan

A great president has been laid to rest. I can't add to the millions of words that have been written about Ronald Reagan, but I do want to highlight a few things husbands and fathers should note.

Reagan was a humble man. Check out the story of how he cleaned up spilled water in the hospital shortly after he was shot.

Reagan was a man of great faith. His faith informed his leadership direction.

Reagan was in many ways a failure as a father. He spent much more time with those outside his immediate family than with his own children. He did reconcile with them in later years, but much was lost that could have been. His son Ron, when asked how things had changed now that his father had Alzheimer's, said "Not much has changed. He wasn't really there for us growing up."

Let us be encouraged, and sobered, by the example of Ronald Reagan.

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