Monday, December 01, 2003

What do you want to be IF you grow up?

Todd Wilson relays a hilarious application to date my daughter form. Ideal for dads who remember clearly what 15 to 18 year old boys are like.

For those of us raising boys who will date other men's princesses, Todd has some excellent suggestions for training them:

1. Train him to be involved in his own family. He can't do his own thing.
2. Train him to be a good listener. Eye to eye, no distractions.
3. Train him to be gentle. No harsh words or roughness.
4. Train him to be able to say, "I'm sorry" -- even when he feels wronged.
5. Train him to have a real, growing relationship with God. He can't go it alone.
6. Train him to care more about loving his wefe and raising his children than he does about his career.
7. Train him to be able to say "No" to his own desires and "Yes" to hers.

A lot of this training will come from our boys watching how we relate with our wives, men!

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